The Department of Sociology, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai was established in 2006. It has since then in its teaching and research activities, distinguished itself by its conscious policy of Africanization. The Departmental courses are designed to produce graduates who would fit into a broad spectrum of jobs in the civil service (Federal, State and Local), the Parastatals, Para-military organizations (e.g. Police, Customs. Prisons, Immigration, and Road Safety Corps etc), Tertiary Institutions. Research Institutes, Private Companies and Corporations and International Agencies. The Department graduated her first set of students in 2010. The Departmental students’ intake has continued to expand to a level where the Department is now admitting on the average between 80 and 120 students every year at the undergraduate level.
Dr. Charles Okwuwa Onuora
Head of Department
The broad philosophy of the department right from inception has revolved around the production of knowledge which is functional and problem-oriented, relevant in terms of correctly reflecting Nigeria and African social reality, in terms of not accepting situations and concept without logical and mature analysis. This philosophy has informed the curriculum of the Department which centred around:
(a) A conscious re-oriented and “indigenization” of course structure and content to ensure the teaching of concepts, theories and models relevant to the African situation as opposed to the wholesale importation of western theories and models.
(b) The expansion of course offerings to encompass as many areas of specialization as are relevant to the needs and realities of our rapidly changing and complex developing society.
(c) The creative engagement of the students in intellectual discourse and debates, as well as in the generation (through research projects) of knowledge which supports the Department’s teaching.
In the light of this philosophy, the Department’s programme evolved:
(a) Vigorous and problem-oriented teaching programme;
b) Conscious and systematic research component geared towards investigating, analyzing and proffering solutions to the service of the wider society through community and consultancy services.
Entry Requirement
UTME Entry Requirement
Apart from meeting the University cut-of point in the UTME, a candidate registering for B.Sc.
Sociology must possess five ‘o’ level credits including Mathematics and English:
A Credit in English
A Credit in Mathematics
A Credit in either History or Government
Two Credits in any other Social Science-oriented subjects (e.g. Economics. Geography, Commerce, Agricultural Science, etc.)
Direct Entry Requirement (200 Level)
To be admitted to read Sociology at the 200 level, a candidate must meet: The ‘O’ level requirements stipulated above;
Relevant IJMB (or ‘A’ level) qualifications which must include Sociology
Entry Requirement
- A Candidate must have at least five (5) credits pass at O’Level, which must include English, Mathematics Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Agric.
- A Candidate must have successfully completed Remedial course at IBB University in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. In addition, candidates must satisfy JAMB requirements.
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